Using two Gameboy SPs, Auxcide manages to craft images of immense and epic landscapes. Each track telling a story. Ensnaring you with their beautifully written melodies then carrying you further into the music with their brilliantly programmed drums and dance move inducing bass lines. Each and every track reeks of individual character while still maintaining a consistency and fluidity throughout where one song flows perfectly into another, to better show off this effect Auxicde has included a 'set' in which the whole album has been mixed together to form one continuous epic tale. Delaying listening to this album any longer could have severe health risks, so what are you waiting for?
0. of Atoms and Stardust [Set]
1. New Cosmos
2. Aphelion
3. Nebula
4. Helios (Sun)
5. Selene (Moon)
6. Eos (Dawn)
7. Ellipse
8. Perihelion
Also includes LSDJ savs as an added bonus!