
Friday, 16 March 2012

PB069 | AlexOgre - Distant Dreams

Returning again with another awesome album, we are very proud to be presenting to you AlexOgre's Distant Dreams.

Mixing and matching different electronic genres to make a smoothie of awesomeness, this album is definitely a good one! Tracks are packed full of character and each one competes against the previous and next to be the best. While some are more dancey and energetic, other are slightly more ambient, while still making you want to stand up and move to the beat. All in all this album is wonderfully well crafted, and is certainly a must have for the collection, so...

Grab The ZIP Here!

Friday, 2 March 2012

PB068 | The Hamlet - Self Titled

A second release for this week and we are very proud to announce that The Hamlet is back. This time with a full length album which not only holds up the same quality of his last EP but also somehow manages to be even better!

This album packs greatness into it right from the start, every track is saturated its own individual character, wonderfully portraying different scenes in your mind. Mixing 8-bit sounds with a 'ye olde times' feel is an awesome combination which adds to the brilliance of this album. With its beautifully written melodies and ambient drones, The hamlet has managed to craft something amazing, which truly is a work of art. So what are you waiting for get it now!

Get It Here!