After his astonishingly beautiful debut, VCMG returns having learnt how to make his music even prettier. From the closing melodic scales and harmonies to the releases’ opening, ‘Introduction’, through the creeping and bittersweet melodies and drum-work of ‘Waking Up In The Perseids’, VCMG keeps constantly catchy and gorgeous with his melodic work. Song structure-wise, the songs constantly shift under their own weight, with something bright and beautiful around every corner. The main difference between this release and his debut on Pxl-Bot is the cohesiveness of ‘Focal Point’. Sounding less like a compilation, all the songs intertwine beautifully to form one conjoined soundtrack to the disappearing summer; bittersweet and reflective.
Grab The ZIP Now!
In all honesty, it’s difficult to describe how truly fantastic these songs are. Scales, light-speed solos, pumping drums, soft arps and unforgettable tunes, what else can I say other than do yourself a HUGE favour and download it?
1. Introduction
2. Waking Up In The Perseids
3. Surmounting The Highest Of Peaks
4. Warp Speed
5. Focal Point
6. New Beginnings Past Old Endings
7. Stars And Skies Forever
8. At Peace (Bonus Track)
Artwork by SomeoneSomewhere
To grab some HQ versions of tracks and support the artist, head over to VCMG's Bandcamp and check it out!