From beginning to end a huge variation of moods and atmospheres cascade from this release, with melodies drum shifts and an abundance of ethereal atmospheres, Spaceman Fantastiques crafts a truly unforgettable journey. Out of the 20+ tracks, from the very first listen it’s easy to both tell them all apart and remember their stark differences, a feat that really showcases this artist’s compositional skill.
Grab The ZIP Now!
The sheer volume of sounds and influences etched into the single unique style here is truly awe-inspiring, and if you haven’t already given this fantastic release a look in, there was never a better time than now. This extends to “Does Not Compute”, which for a 21 track B-side collection sounds less like a grouping of un-used tracks and more like an entirely separate piece of work linking perfectly to its companion. The level of quality throughout makes it obvious to the listener that these tracks were likely to only have been omitted due to album length.
So, 44 tracks, 21 new and 23 of which the majority have been re-worked and new artwork by the FANTASTIC Someonesomewhere. Just download it.
Tracklist - I Hope The Stars Can Hear This…:
1. Sad Attempt For Something New
2. Bank Job
3. With My Eyes Closed
4. Hijackin Valtz
5. Nice To Meet You! Please Call Me Namec Aps!
6. Simple Night
7. Damn Sidescrollers…
8. This One’s For The Fight!
9. Tabyle Is Set (Ow My Face)
10. Like A Slap In The Pacemaker
11. 8-Bit O’ Honey
12. Swing Of Kings
13. Stalking The Dead
14. My Spidey Sense Is Mingling
15. Sputnik Sweetheart
16. When A Lover Falls
17. All Eyes Above
18. I Hope The Stars Can Hear This…
19. Mr. Yamasan Presents
20. A Place To Call Home
21. Gotta Get To Space Somehow
22. If Something Is Found In A Cave, That’s Where It Should Stay
23. Spaceman’s Gotta Do What A Spaceman’s Gotta Do
Tracklist - Does Not Compute:
1. Sound And Fury
2. What About A Chorus?
3. What Matters (The More You Nerd Theme)
4. Bottom Dweller
5. Rage Quitting
6. Remember Me In The Field
7. Safety Gate
8. Lights In The Distance
9. Blue Note
10. Shot Glass
11. Fairy
12. Holy Moley Mountain
13. 5% Cash Back
14. Put Me On Speaker Phone!
15. Mr. Yamsan Presents (First Draft)
16. Again The Bits Fly
17. Ze 8-Bits
18. The 0ffice
19. Wave
20. Grove Works
21. The Milieu Of Jason Kurimona
Want to support this brilliant artist?? Head to his bandcamp and donate then!!