Expertly composed and brilliantly realised, these eight tracks make one of the most well-rounded and professional sounding releases ever stamped with the Pxl-Bot marking, from sample-led dread in “Machina”’s beginning to the beautiful soft danceable sounds in “Good Dispositions Expected” and out through ambient and spacey atmospheres in “Spays Dreemz”. With his first release in over three years, The MM Project really does return with a huge bang; memorable melodies, intelligent structures and a blast of pure variety whilst still ending up with a cohesive release, “Per Aspera Ad Astra” is sure to be one of those releases that gets far more than a single listen, and with an epic an ending as "Tin Can", you can't really be blamed.
Grab The ZIP Now!
1. Intro
2. Good Dispositions Expected
3. Machina
4. Spays Dreemz
5. Tribute To Rick Gordon
6. Kushinadahime
7. Don't Look At Me Like That
8. Tin Can
For full artwork and an extensive explanation by Mr. MM Project himself, head here and download directly.