Instead of playing it safe with an exact repetition of the same style, Mega Flare opts to broaden his compositions and song structures, adding in samples, an abundance of new influences and coarse and melancholy atmosphere whilst keeping his trademark melodic styling. With a definite feel for epic constructions, the songs all slowly snowball to a danceable end before with their slow plodding sense of direction, and far more melodies are utilised in each song than in the first Round.
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If this release does anything, it gets you excited for what could be Mega Flare’s next breath-taking move, as through songs such as “Castle” and “Cave”, it is undoubtedly certain that this artist is hellbent on destroying the chiptune world with the indescribable beauty found in his melodies.
Artwork by the beautiful Holy Konni
1. Castle
2. Forest
3. Cave
4. Desert